I have been fortunate to receive several grants and awards for my work:
National Research Service Award, National Institute of Mental Health, F31-MH096433-01. Shared Vulnerabilities of Social Anxiety and Eating Disorders. Awarded with a Priority Score of 20 (19 percentile). Direct Costs: $125,400; 2011-2014 Co-Sponsors: Dr. Thomas Rodebaugh, Ph.D. & Dr. Eric Lenze, M.D. Consultants: Dr. Denise Wilfley, Ph.D., Dr. Greg Smith, Ph.D., & Dr. Elliot Nelson, M.D.
P.E.O. Scholar Award (Awarded April 2012) $15,000 awarded for “excellence in research, academics, and ability to make a significant contribution to society”
American Psychological Association Dissertation Award (Awarded November 2012) $1,000 for dissertation research
American Psychological Association Basic Psychological Science Research Grant Honorable mention (May 2011) Social Evaluation Fears and Eating Behaviors
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology Outstanding Student Researcher Award (Awarded October 2014)
Washington University Graduate Fellowship (2008-2009)
Washington University Conference Travel Award (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) $500 for conference travel
Phi Beta Kappa
2008 James Miller Award for best undergraduate psychology honors thesis poster
Holman-Hamilton Fellowship Full tuition scholarship for one semester awarded to a history major for successful academic performance
Kentucky Governor's School for the Arts full tuition scholarship (2003-2007)
**The picture is of me tossing a coin into the Fontana de Trevi in Rome, Italy, which is famed to bring travelers good luck.